November 19, 2006

Review: Batman Begins

FRESH: 5/5

Rating Scale: Excellent - Very Good - Good - Average - Poor

Movie: Batman Begins (2005)

Actor: Christian Bale - Excellent
Actress: Katie Holmes - Average
Supporting Actor: Michael Caine - Excellent
Supporting Actor (the Big Bad) : Liam Neeson - Excellent
Supporting Actor (Little Baddie): Cillian Murphy - Very Good

Main Elements (for Action Flick)
Action - Excellent
Suspense - Excellent
Romance - Average (Thanks to Katie Holmes)

Extra Credit
The Tumbler
Smart Ass Remarks by Christian Bale
Morgan Freeman & Cillian Murphy
Wayne Manor/The Batcave

Katie's patronizing "know it all" tone

Purchase DVD? It should already be a part of your library.